Effective dialogue across difference skills are a key tool in influencing inequity.  When these skills are developed, one can become comfortable and competent in disrupting problematic behaviors related to racism,…
And it seems like a good time to think about our sense of leadership.  We have Task Forces and Committees humming with response options to a couple of tracks around…
Where is it that we grow?  Under what conditions do we become who we are capable of being?  What role does encountering the other, disruption of assumptions, and grace have…
When women and historically underrepresented minorities contribute to science, outcomes are improved. Science is more innovative, outcomes are more equitable, and technology improves when science teams are diverse.  While UUs…

Getting Back to the Future 

February 21, 2021
With a vaccine rollout in progress, we can expect an eventual easing-up of the uncertainty of pandemic life.  As UUs begin to reorient ourselves toward the future of our tradition,…
According to Wikipedia, “chronocentrism” was coined by sociologist Jib Fowles in an article in the journal Futures in February, 1974.  Fowles described chronocentrism as “the belief that one’s own times…

Our Resources Revealed

January 31, 2021
Scientists use the term ecological disturbance to describe a temporary change in environmental conditions that causes a pronounced change in an ecosystem. We are living in a disturbance of our…
Martin Luther King Jr. has been, and will always be, an icon of the Civil Rights movement, and his words are ever important today as we confront the challenges of…
The topic of this Forum will focus on our responses to what happened at the Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 6th. We will call upon our UU values to…
Across the UUA congregations are responding to a comprehensive report from the Commission on Institutional Change. The report is entitled "Widening the Circle" and it is available as a PDF.  It's a…