Forum: Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan 

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The goal of this project is to update the existing Huron Creek Watershed Management Plan (WMP). The original WMP was written in 2009 and approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ, currently Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes & Energy). The WMP must be updated not only because of its age but also to document/update the changes that occurred within the watershed due to the Father’s Day Flood on June 17, 2018, when seven (7) inches of rain fell in six hours causing extensive damage to infrastructure and altering hydrology. Current watershed conditions will be assessed through field inventory, water quality monitoring and hydraulic modeling activities. The WMP will be updated to reflect changes and to prioritize sites that require Best Management Practices (BMPs).
Presented by Melanie Kueber Watkins, P.E., Civil Engineer, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil & Env. Engineering, Michigan Tech; Chair, Portage Township Planning Commission; Owner, Agate Engineering, LLC; and graduate student Ben Holland.

Meeting ID: 978 910 4627
Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799


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