Forum: Progressive Education in the Keweenaw

The Keweenaw Community Alliance for Progressive Education (CAPE) got its start in 2012 when a group of local parents and educators recognized the need for a different model of education and learning in the Keweenaw. The group identified the ideal learning environment for children which included hands-on learning, whole-child approach, self-driven learning, supportive atmosphere and challenging curriculum. CAPE’s mission is to create and provide engaging, innovative education opportunities. CAPE’s programs are open to all community members, from elementary-aged children to adults.
Susan Nielsen, CAPE executive director, will describe the organization, principles of progressive education, programs offered, and ideas under development. Forum participants will learn about a pilot program for Life Design developed by the Stanford University Design School, a process of building your future by applying design-thinking that helps people unlock their creative potential and apply it to the world.
Susan has a B.S. in Organization Psychology from the University of Michigan, her Masters in Applied Behavioral Science from Johns Hopkins University. For fifteen years, Susan owned and operated a successful consulting firm specializing in leadership development, positive people systems, and career management programs. Her love of learning and education led to a leadership position at Jackson Community College where she was asked by the college president to start up a department for Corporate and Continuing Education. Upon moving to the Upper Peninsula, she spent the past decade working to transform the education experience through CAPE. Susan also teaches at Michigan Tech’s Pavlis Honors College.

The presentation will be followed by Q & A.

Forum will by Zoom only.

Meeting ID: 839 7576 2265
Passcode: KUUF


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