Keweenaw Youth for Climate Action

Keweenaw Youth for Climate Action (KYCA) is a youth-led climate action organization that encompasses both students and community members in the Keweenaw. Our mission statement reads, “We aim to create a brave space for all people willing to advance sustainability, environmentalism, and addressing the climate crisis. We engage with the community in advocacy, education, and supporting like-minded efforts. All our actions come from a place of love, justice, and respect for the Earth and its inhabitants.” Currently our two main projects are working with Michigan Tech on removing its ~1.2 million dollar investments in the fossil fuel industry, and working to increase the energy independence of the Keweenaw through energy efficiency.
Francine Rosinski is a third year Environmental Engineering student at Michigan Tech and president of KYCA. Elise Rosky is a Physics PhD student studying cloud and snow formation. Gabriel Ahrendt is a third year PhD student in the Geological and Mining Engineering Sciences and is studying Geophysics, specifically the formation of the Earth’s magnetic field. Patrick Morath Jr. is a Michigan Tech alumnus with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

Forum will be by Zoom only.

Meeting ID: 978 910 4627
Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799

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