Topic: Fourth Principle

 Small Group Ministries at KUUF

Often associated with large congregations, small group ministries bring congregation members in close relationship with one another.  KUUF is not a really large congregation and yet there are several small group ministries thriving.  We’ll talk about how this is working and what it can mean for all of us.

Radical Candor

Management coach Kim Scott says that managers must both challenge people to be better than they are while showing they care about them personally–what she calls radical candor. What would a culture of radical candor look like in a Unitarian Universalist congregation? In this service, Rev. Chris will examine the implications for radical candor in … Continue reading Radical Candor

New Beginnings – New Hope

Economic injustice and poverty in our community is systemic. So how do we get beyond merely giving the poor money and really give them control over their lives? In this service, Rev. Chris, Horst Schmidt and special guest Terry Bazin will examine this question and show how one local organization is answering this call.