Parade of Nations Announces Jennifer Donovan as 2023 Marshall

by Parade of Nations

The Michigan Tech Parade of Nations proudly announces the appointment of Jennifer Donovan as the esteemed parade marshal for the 2023 edition of this much-anticipated multicultural event.

With her extensive involvement and dedication to the Parade of Nations, Donovan is a natural choice to lead the festivities, taking place Sept. 16 at 11 a.m.

Donovan’s work with the Parade of Nations began in 2007, when she joined the committee shortly after moving to Houghton to assume the role of director of news and media relations at Michigan Tech’s University Marketing and Communications (UMC) office. Serving as a liaison to UMC, Donovan actively contributed her expertise in writing news releases, conducting media outreach and advising on publicity for the parade. Her collaboration with an array of talented individuals and her profound love for the Parade of Nations led her to continue her involvement as a member even after her retirement in 2018, continuing to handle the parade’s publicity efforts.