Unitarian Universalist congregations in North America are founded on congregational polity, the idea that the ultimate authority of the church comes from people in the congregation. Members meet at least once a year in June to vote on a budget and carry out other church business. Congregational meetings are open to everyone and are held at BHK Child Development Center.

Typically, day-to-day operations of congregations are delegated to a shared ministry including the minister, who is called by the congregation after an extensive search process, and the member-elected eight person board of trustees that meets each month to discuss church issues.  At KUUF, as of 2020, we have a ¾ time contract minister.

Our congregation is a member of the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in Boston, Massachusetts. We send delegates to Regional Assembly and General Assembly every year in order to voice our opinions on regional, national, and international business and issues affecting the larger Unitarian Universalist movement.

To view our bylaws, click here.